Customer Comms Team

Customer Comms Team



Make sure customers have the information they need to be successful with PostHog and deliver it in a way which sparks joy.

Hit our expanded SLAs while keeping CSAT stable (Marcus + Steven)

  • Rationale: Reliable support = Good support.
  • What we'll ship: Grow the team, train other teams.
  • We'll know we're successful when: 80% SLA achievement or above for all Normal and High priority tickets. CSAT average does not fall below 4.1 (4.6 at start of Q3).

Level up our processes and automations (Steven)

  • Rationale: Good processes = Fewer tickets, happier users.
  • What we'll ship: Zendesk improvements (domain problem, bounced emails etc.), MaxAI v2, handbook definitions (incl. definitions of what we don't support), team tracking.
  • We'll know we're successful when: MaxAI v2 feels worth keeping and incoming tickets aren't getting out of control.

Make sure we have successful launches for new products (Joe)

  • Rationale: More products = More revenue.
  • What we'll ship: See issue.
  • We'll know we're successful when: We're successfully completing all launch plans.

Continue supporting CS & Sales (Joe)

  • Rationale: There's a lot of things still left to do.
  • What we'll ship: See issue.
  • We'll know we're successful when: We're effectively processing deals of all sizes and up/cross-selling users into new features.

Onboard community manager (Joe)

  • Rationale: More WOM = More growth
  • What we'll ship: See issue.
  • We'll know we're successful when: They've found two influencers we can work with successfully.

Side quests

  • Run another YC S24 campaign, but with less direct work (Joe)

Metrics we care about
